Samber Lilin Apps

Lirik Band Lokal 2.0
Samber Lilin
Aplikasi luffy lirik ini menampung lirik-lirikdari band-band lokal dan indie. Aplikasi ini juga dapatmenyimpan lirik ke penyimpanan lokal dengan menggunakan fungsibookmark. Akses server lebih cepat dari aplikasi lirik lain.
Camerazi 1.0.0
Samber Lilin
Camerazi is camera app that you can takephotos secretly without anyone knowing it. In certain situations,you will need it for spying.
Tip And Trick Mobile Strike 1.0
Samber Lilin
Mobile Strike is a free-to-play MMO for iOSand Android devices where you build the ultimate base, form analliance with other players and defeat enemies from all over theworld; you may have seen the commercial starring ArnoldSchwarzenegger.Begin your journey to world domination with our tips for playingMobile Strike. We cover Alliances, base building, collecting lootand more!Open Supply CratesWhile at your base, look for the blue supply crate on the lowerleft corner of the screen and tap this crate whenever you see itmoving. Inside you’ll find free rewards for simply playing thegame. If there’s a timer beneath the crate, you cannot open ityet.Basically the more crates you open, the more potential rewardsyou’ll receive on a daily basis. There’s no logical reason toignore this feature.Tip: You will need to eventually create an Epic War account tokeep the supply crates coming. On the positive side you get 500gold for doing this.Join an AllianceIt’s dangerous to conquer the world alone, so make sure you join anAlliance. Teaming up with other players is great for camaraderie,but there are in-game benefits to becoming part of a faction. Mostimportantly you will be able to request and subsequently help yourbuddies, which is the best way to speed up construction,troop-healing and research without spending cash.The more you level up headquarters, the more help slots you’llreceive. Additionally you can build an Embassy at your base, thensend alliance members reinforcements to protect their bases.Buying Gold Packs will increase your Resupply Level. The higheran Alliance’s Resupply Level, the better the chance of receivingquality rewards.Become a VIPConsider this the top tier of Mobile Strike. Logging into the gameeach day results in a modest number of VIP points which you canthen cash in to reach different levels. Each level comes with itsown VIP benefits.For instance, at VIP Level 2 you have an instant constructionspeed up time of seven minutes and five percent boosts in food,oil, stone, iron and coin production. Move ahead to VIP Level 9 andthere’s an instant construction speed up time of 25 minutes, a 14percent boost to food, oil, stone, iron and coin production, alongwith an 11 percent manufacturing speed boost and other rewards.Above all else, make sure you activate your VIP status bytapping the VIP On button along the top of the screen and makingthe necessary selection. With each new level you get 24 hours ofVIP, though you can increase the time.Plan to spend real money in Mobile Strike? If so, VIP membershave access to limited time offers.Complete Daily, Alliance and VIP MissionsAlways click the Missions tab at the bottom of the screen and takepart in daily, alliance and VIP missions. Select the desiredmission and hit the Start button. Now go about your business whilethe game handles the rest. Wait a little while, head back into thegame when the different times are up and claim the rewards. You caneven speed up mission completion time by spending some gold, but becareful! It costs five gold per minute, and the last thing you wantto do is fork over precious virtual currency when there’s less thana minute remaining. Unless it’s a crazy amount of time, play thewaiting game.Tip: You probably have three minute, 10 minute and 15 minutespeed up bonuses. Check the number to the left of the word Own tosee how many of each remain, and use them wisely.Take a Chance for Greater RewardsWhile perusing the game’s missions, you’ll see the glowing Chancebutton on the bottom right. This is your opportunity to refresh thedaily missions for a chance at scoring better rewards. It costs 800gold to do this, and there’s no guarantee you’ll get Legendary,Epic and Rare loot in return; the majority are Uncommon, Common andBasic, at least in the early going. Costly, but worth a shot if youhave the gold to burn.
Tips And Tricks COC 1.0
Samber Lilin
This App is about vidoe guides, tips andtricks about the most amazing game on smartphone and tablet, namelyClash of Clans
Video Tips Clash Royale 1.0
Samber Lilin
This App is the biggest database, where youcanfind top north strategy guides and tips of Clash Royale Arena.youcan watch this video how to win this game